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Previous Teacher Workshops

There is a large spectrum of workshops offered daily to students and teachers. You are welcome to attend any workshops offered or observe rehearsals at any time. Some of our teacher exclusive workshops from the past have included the following.... 

One Person Can Make a Difference

Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser

"Psychological Resilience"

Dr. Ann Marie Roepke

A Teacher's Retreat and Music Educator's Pep Rally

Paul Gulsvig

Sound Reinforcement for the Show Choir

Bryan Farina

Bridging Classical and Pop Vocal Sound

Mark Myers

Digital Media and the Creative Classroom

Donna Gallo

Mash It Up: Honing Sound Editing and Aural Skills

Carolyn Boudreau

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Dr. Eugene Rogers

iPad apps for the Music Classroom

Will Kuhn

How to Bring Choregraphy To Life

Linda Southard

Building a Program and Fundraising

Jeff Gemar

Pop Acapella in the High School

Brody McDonald

The Persuit of Excellence

Steve Siemens

And so many more!

*Workshops subject to change

Blurring the Binary: Teaching Transgender Students

Melanie Stapleton

Seven Steps to Help Singers Choose Success

Dina Else

Changing the WORLD One Note at a Time

Judy Hanson

Vocal Health for the Music Educator

Rebecca Risser

Training Effective Dance Captains

Shawn Eck

Putting it Together

Phil Reno

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